Chandigarh to Shimla Taxi Package

Chandigarh to Shimla Taxi Package

Places Covered Pinjore GardenTimber TrailHassan ValleyKufriFaguMashobraNaldehra
3 Nights /4 Days

If you like being close to nature, want a luxurious stay under the rooftop of a clear sky, where every morning is full of scenic views, and want to explore heritage trails, then Shimla is the perfect destination. We have created a Shimla tour package from Chandigarh by taxi for you to explore this place.

Shimla is known for its pre-historic era, which is being preserved and, at the same time, getting modern in every aspect. To witness these changes, we offer you our packages that will take you to this beautiful place.

To make this journey more comfortable, we provide a car rental taxi service of your choice. We know that you want a break from the hustle and bustle of city life, and we will leave no stone unturned. Our travel executives are experienced enough, and they will guide you at every point. Check out our detailed itinerary about Chandigarh to Shimla car package.

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Chandigarh to Shimla Taxi Package(3N/4D)

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