Kinnaur - An Offbeat Adventure

Kinnaur - An Offbeat Adventure

April 29,2019

Blissful beauty of the Kinnaur with elated icy Himalayan gorges and rugged beauty of this amazing destination is spell bounding which shares its border with Tibetan border. Tibetan culture is immenselypresent in every soul of this region. This ravishing region is surrounded by three significant ranges – Dhauladar, Himalaya and Zanskar which make it view more mystical.

Although, this part of the Himachal Pradesh remains close for the half of the year due its harsh climatic conditions, people love to witness the beauty of this place. The exquisite view of the Sangla valley with enrapturing orchards of apples, vineyards and apricots are really euphoric. The beautiful alpine trees and deodars and sprawling meadows are appealing. The presence of almighty lord shiva in the Mt. Kinner Kailash enhances its spiritual value.

On the other hand, its rapid flowing rivers Sutlej, spiti, Bapsa and others are the soul of the Kinnaur region. During winter many of the rivers get frozen of this place. The people of the Kinnaur who are strive hard to live there but they love their pristine land and are emotionally bounded with it.

Amidst of white snow-clad mountains when the haze embraces the mountains, that elegant moment makes every heart speechless. The cool breeze makes the environment more soothing and pleasant. People often called this place as “Land of Fairy tales”. Sangla valley and Hangrang valley are its two significant valleys which are close to Lahaul and Spiti.

Devastating History of Kinnaur:

Kinnaur was ruled by various invaders in the past,who ruined it for their own means. Gurge kingdom and great emperor of the Mughal also conquered it. It was the part of chini tehsil and also faced many political turmoils. In spite of having such devastating past Kinnaur is still blessed with abundant beauty.

Rapturous Adventures in the Valleys of Kinnaur:

Kinnaur is a fascinating point for thrill seekers, activities like Paragliding, motor biking, angling, river rafting, trekking, skiing and many more.Sangla valet of Kinnaur is the perfection destination for enjoying rappelling and rock climbing.

Aspirants are more thrilled towards the trails of Bhaba valley and Kinnaur kailash which are prominent trekking routes of this land.

The serenity of Kinnaur away from the hustle and bustle of the city life provides a different experience of life to adventurers and nature lovers who visit here.

Apart from this, wild flowing rivers, beautiful valleys, and spiritual places of the Kinnaur attracts the people more. Don’t forget to capture these auspicious moment in your camera if you ever been to Kinnaur. Kinnaur has rich diversity of flora and fauna. The charm of this place is immortal which reflects in its valleys and other mountain ranges.

Natives of Kinnaur:

Kinnauries are very amicable and feel proud to be the part of the ravishing valley Kinnaur. The life of the people of this region is quite simple and full of hard work as the area remains cut off from the rest of the country for half of the year. They are mostly farmers and their source of livelihood is their orchards of apple and apricots.

However, their life is full of struggle and hard work you will never find any grief on the face of these people. They feel proud and they enjoy their surroundings. Really hats off to the spirit of these people, who face such harsh climatic conditions of the weather but never, complain.

Top Sightseeing Destinations:

From the initial part of your journey you will find every nook and corner beguiling of this paradise land. The tranquil ambience of the place is mesmerizing. NakoGompa, footprint of Padmasambhav, kalpa Fort, Nag temple, Kamru temple, Bhimakali temple and Baspa valley are the famous attractions of the Kinnaur.

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